JBS Australia’s Northern Water Savings Day a Success

Article Jul 22, 2024

Last month, participants from each of JBS Australia’s Northern beef processing sites gathered at the JBS Rockhampton facility in Queensland to attend an insightful learning and collaboration day on water. This day focused on the Rockhampton site sharing their best water practices, innovations, and culture.

The Rockhampton facility has been a leader in driving down water consumption with a 39% reduction from their 2013-15 baseline of 8.2L/kg to 5.0L/kg as at May 2024, while achieving food safety outcomes with efficient use of water.

Attendees engaged in interactive plant walks from pre-operation checks to full daily operating capacity. They also heard from Sam Wright (Rockhampton Plant Engineer) and Gerald Trathen (Rockhampton Assistant Plant Manager) who shared Rocky's water journey, which has spanned over a decade, and witnessed firsthand the culture that has been created.

Rockhampton Plant Manager Anthony Milzewski said “We treat water the same as any other KPI and each team member applies appropriate discipline to achieve our water target.”

“The day proved to very valuable and eye-opening visit for those attending. Attendees left the day feeling motivated and equipped with new strategies and a list of key actions to implement at their respective sites.”

“The main action all sites took away was about instilling ownership of water further and within all levels of production to help drive water results. Other actions included implementing sensors to activate and deactivate water on certain equipment and low water high pressure nozzles on certain equipment.”

“The insights gained from this event promise to drive significant improvements in water management across the Northern division, ensuring a more sustainable future. As they say - Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.

Anthony Milzewski (Rockhampton Plant Manager) showed participants how culture is instilled on site, from daily data readings via tablet to how everyone is responsible for water every day in every way.
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